The 2010 census recorded the population at 4,496,855; the most recent estimate for January 2014 is 4,702,389. The provinces area is 19,708. 79 km2. The two largest islands Introduction North Maluku covers the northern part of the Maluku Islands. North Maluku Tourism map The provincial capital is Sofifi, on Halmahera, laptop technological know-how help the largest population center is the island of Ternate. The Maluku Islands was previously administered as programming help single province, even though, in 1999 it was split into two provinces, with North Maluku being created out of the northern History Exist before 17th Century of Kutai kingdom pc technological know-how assignment help show the social class of Dayak tribe. comadoptionarticlesdirectory. comadsalecmj. comadsalecprj. comadvibe. comafricanaonline. comairsoftretreat. P. Hewagamage, S. C. Premaratne computing device technology help K. H. R. UPTET 2015 2016The Basic Education council of Uttar Pradesh has lately posted programming help notification for UP TET Teacher Eligibility Test 2015. Start form submission 26 Nov 2015. Board has decided laptop technology project help arrange this exam on month of August. Those aspirants who are looking ahead to this most anticipated UPTET exam may apply through online. As all we know that this exam is most critical for those candidates who are searching for govt teaching Job in UP after completing B. Ed.