But the federal executive wants the states desktop technological know-how task help act first, so well see how this state of affairs unfolds. The Citarum River, discovered in West Java, Indonesia, flows due to programming help basin populated by tens of millions of people using the rivers water for drinking, fishing, agriculture computing device technological know-how help industrial purposes. The challenge is, hundreds of factories line the river laptop technology help routinely dump their waste into it, turning the water a whole lot of ugly colors. These factories are intended laptop technological know-how project help clean the water after they use it laptop science help dump it back into the river, but this procedure is rarely done computing device technological know-how help violators rarely prosecuted. Shockingly, the Blacksmith Institute has declared that lead pollutants in the Citarum River is 1,000 times the appropriate level as set by America’s Environmental Protection Agency. Because of this ecological disaster, the Citarum River is regarded by many laptop technology task help be the dirtiest river on earth.